Algorithmic Sound Synthesis and Live Visuals, Motion Tracking Interaction, Voice Interaction
The diachronic and the sombreness of the myth of Cassandra feeds the synthesis of the computer-generated images and sounds in a marriage of the antic tragedy with the modern scenography. The forms of the audiovisual elements in this work are approached as for their dynamism and their potentiality in space and in time. Through the process of creation of the drawing and of the soundscape, the abstraction and the organicity of the algorithmic synthesis are invited to announce a chaotic but tangible present, and a future where the informational development grows exponentially.
The enigmatic monologue of Cassandra is approached as well as linguistic descriptive flow, as well as a energetic flow of the non-linear narration. The developed themes in each part are charged with evolving sentimental intensities, reflected in the audiovisual experience. This audiovisual experience is composed and decomposed in time and in space, sometimes to accompany Cassandra in her martyrdom, sometimes to make a "conversation" with her.
Those questions, among others, were substantially discussed with the director and actor Clara Chabalier for the synthesis of the real time scenography and sounds.
This « obscure poem » was rediscovered by Pascal Quignard after having been forgotten for centuries,
last remembrance of the Greek poet Lycophron. This 3d-century BC poem tells the mysterious prophecies of the one who was called crazy, in a condensed and sensitive language.
This opening will present the first stage of a work on a man-machine interaction plateform, through an avatar communicating by gestures.
The moving scenery, a monumental digital projection on the set and the actress, is combined with spatialized sound immersing the audience
in Lycophron’s obscure poem. Gestures are generated with a genetic algorythm, and the whole set is generated by computer and evoles with the voice of the actress.
La prophétesse Cassandre enfermée dans une tour, décrit les visions de l’avenir qui la traversent,
mais elle est condamnée à ne jamais être comprise. Accompagnée de son messager qui s’exprime dans une danse proche
de la langue des signes, d’images projetées sur un écran, baignée de sonorités abstraites, la metteuse en scène Clara Chabalier donne vie à un poème ancien.
Les technologies actuelles font entendre des questions que l’humanité se pose depuis la nuit des temps : la guerre, le désir, le pouvoir.
d’après Alexandra de Lycophron de Chalcis, traduit du grec ancien par Pascal Quignard
conception, adaptation et mise en scène Clara Chabalier
avec Clara Chabalier, Venia Stamatiadi, Jules Turlet (chansigne)
médiatrice en langue des signes française Claire Danet
assistant à la mise en scène Thomas Morisset
scénographie virtuelle et sound-design Vicky Bisbicki
recherche et conception sur l’interaction et l’avatar Jean-François Jego, Judith Guez, Dimitrios Batras
Presented at:
Thursday, June 5th 2014 8:30 pm
Théâtre 95, Allée du Théâtre, Cergy-Pontoise, France
RER Line A3 Cergy-Préfecture